Sunday, July 10, 2011

Super-Fudgy Brownies

Super-Fudgy Brownies

aseli ini baru pertama kali aq bikin brownies...*hello kmn ajah atuh buuuu?? hihiii
eh tapi beneran bgt nih brownies endang bambang gulindang deeh...bukan krn aq yg bikin yaaaah tp krn resepnya loooh...

Thanx bunda Nadhifa buat resepnya maknyusss....

krn permintaan beberapa org sy copas yah resepnya disini...bundaaa...izn copas wokeeeh?? hihiii...

8 tablespoon (sdm) unsalted butter ~ 120 gram
1 cup terigu all purpose (protein sedang) ~ 130 gram
1/4 cup coklat bubuk ~ 30 gram
1/2 sdt baking powder
1/2 sdt garam
8 ounces dark cooking chocolate, potong-potong ~ 225 gram
1 1/4 cup gula pasir ~ 280 gram
3 butir telur ukuran besar

Directions/Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan oven 180'C. Olesi dengan butter loyang persegi/square pan ukuran 22x22x4 cm. Alasi dengan kertas roti/baking paper, lebihkan atasnya sekitar 3 cm (untuk memudahkan mengeluarkan brownies dari loyang/pan, karena brownies jangan dikeluarkan dengan cara dibalik). Olesi lagi kertas roti/baking paper dengan butter. Sisihkan.
2. Campur dan ayak terigu, coklat bubuk, baking powder dan garam. Sisihkan.
3. Lelehkan butter dan dark cooking chocolate (sebaiknya dengan cara ditim di atas air panas). Aduk rata sampai lembut dan licin. Angkat dari panas api. Masukkan gula pasir. Aduk rata dengan whisker atau mixer kecepatan paling rendah. Masukkan telur. Aduk rata lagi. Masukkan campuran tepung, aduk rata dengan whisker sebentar saja hanya sampai tepung tercampur dan tidak terlihat lagi. Jangan overmix (diaduk berlebihan)!
4. Tuang ke dalam loyang/pan. Ratakan permukaannya. Panggang dalam oven sampai matang (tes tusuk sudah bersih dan hanya ada sedikit butiran yang menempel tapi tidak basah), sekitar 50-60 menit. Permukaan akan terbentuk 'shiny crust' khas brownies dan bagian tengah sudah kokoh bila ditekan.
5. Keluarkan dari oven. Diamkan dalam loyang/pan selama 30 menit. Keluarkan brownies dengan cara mengangkat kertas roti/baking paper. Biarkan masih dengan kertas roti/baking paper dinginkan di atas rak kawat (cooling rack) sampai benar-benar dingin. Setelah dingin potong-potong dengan menggunakan pisau tajam yang telah diolesi sedikit minyak (agar saat dipotong tidak lengket dan hasilnya rapi). Bila disimpan dalam toples kedap udara (airtight container) akan tahan 2-3 hari.

english version;


8 tablespoon (sdm) unsalted butter ~ 120 gram
1 cup all purpose wheat (medium contained protein ) ~ 130 gram
1/4 cup chocolate powder ~ 30 gram
1/2 tea spoon of baking powder
1/2 tea spoon of salt
8 ounces dark cooking chocolate, ~ 225 gram
1 1/4 cup of sugar ~ 280 gram
3 eggs


1. Preheat oven to 180'C. Then grease a square baking pan with size of around 22x22x4 cm with butter. Cover it with baking paper and add a space of around 3 cm (to remove brownies from pan, because we can not get the brownies from the way behind). Grease another baking paper with butter and separate it.

2. Mix and sieve the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Set aside.

3. Melt the butter and dark cooking chocolate (preferably by way of steamed over hot water.) Stir until smooth and slippery. Remove it from the heat of fire. Add white sugar inside. Stir well with a mixer at low speed. Add the eggs. Mix well again. Enter the flour mixture and stir well with a mixer in a short time only until the flour is getting mixed. Do not overmix (excessively stirred).

4. Pour into baking dish / pan. Flatten the surface. Bake in oven until soft (prick tests were clean and there is little beads that stick but not wet), about 50-60 minutes. The surface will be formed 'shiny crust' typical brownie and the center is firm when it is pressed.

5. Remove from oven. Let stand in baking pan for 30 minutes. Remove the brownies with taking up the brownies together with the baking paper. Let still with baking paper until it is cool on wire rack (cooling rack) until completely cold. Once cool cut into pieces using a sharp knife that has been spread with a little oil (for the time cut is not sticky and the results are neat). If stored in airtight jars (airtight container) it can be hold for 2-3 days.

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